Spring Integrated Pest Management: Thinning Your Fruit + Clay Footies

did you know that thinning your fruit results in bigger fruit, more fruit, less disease, and protects next year’s harvest? learn more from sadie!

Clay footies!

Kaolin clay dipped footies are another great tool in the home orchard. These provide two types of barrier between your fruit and your foes (fruit flies, coddling moth, etc). This strategy is a cheap and easy want to ensure that a percentage of your fruit is pretty perfect at harvest time.

After you complete thinning, use twist ties to attach the footies over the fruitlets that you are choosing to keep. The fruit will grow inside and stay safe and snug away from buds.

Need help sourcing the footies? We sell them! Contact us at treecare@portlandfruit.org to check on stock and availability.

Tree CarePFTP InfoSpring, IPM