Volunteer and Documentarian Celeste Noche Puts PFTP in the National News

Celebrating Our Feature in the Huffington Post

We are thrilled to share some exciting news! Recently, one of our dedicated volunteers, Celeste Noche, wrote an article about our mission and specifically our shade equity work, which has been published in the Huffington Post! This recognition is not just an honor for us but a testament to the hard work and commitment of our entire community. You can read the full article here.

In the article, Celeste beautifully captures the essence of what we do at PFTP. She highlights how our efforts in planting trees, and harvesting and distributing fruit are making a significant impact on both food security and climate change. By rescuing surplus fruit from urban trees that would otherwise go to waste, we are not only providing fresh, nutritious produce to those in need but also reducing the environmental footprint associated with food waste.

Looking Ahead

This feature in the Huffington Post is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness about our cause and attract more support from the community. We hope it inspires others to join us in our mission to reduce food waste, promote food security, and protect the environment.

If you’re interested in getting involved with PFTP, there are many ways to contribute:

  • Volunteer: Join us for a harvest event, help out in the office, or assist with outreach and education efforts.

  • Donate: Your financial support helps us cover the costs of equipment, transportation, and other essential expenses.

  • Share: Spread the word about PFTP and the importance of reducing food waste and supporting food security in Portland.

Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on our community and the environment. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us!

Kathryn Howard