Harvest Options:

Backyard Harvest Program

Backyard Harvests are a resource for fruit tree stewards who have more fruit than they can eat, want to prevent food waste, and want their fruit to help nourish the community.

During the harvest season (roughly mid-June to early December), Portland Fruit Tree Project engages volunteers to harvest excess fruit from the yards of Portland residents, and donates the best of it to food security organizations or programs.

How it Works

  1. Interested property owners fill out a form about the tree(s) and commit to the financial contribution that is right for the household.

  2. We review it to see if the harvest is likely a good fit and work on scheduling a site visit.

  3. When the fruit is close to ripe, the property owner let’s us know it’s “go time,” we send out a waiver and contribution form

  4. When that’s done we get the harvest scheduled and recruit volunteers.

  5. Following the harvest, property owners get a thank you, donation receipt, and opportunity to provide feedback. We coordinate the fruit going to partner agencies and it becomes a joyful addition to someone’s food resources!

New to 2024 - Sliding Scale Fees:

Each harvest costs the Portland Fruit Tree Project $500 (staff time, insurance, tools, vehicle use, software, and supplies). The average per-harvest donation in recent years has been $30, which does not defray those costs. 

To ensure that we can continue to do this vital and fulfilling work on behalf of our community, we are implementing a sliding scale fee for harvests, as outlined below. Of course, additional donations above your recommended range are always welcome and go directly back into the operations of Portland Fruit Tree’s main directive - sharing fruit and sharing joy!

Sliding Scale Fee Structure:

Everyone in our community is in a different financial situation and there is no obvious standard for a family or individual’s ability to contribute. We are adopting the Embracing Equity Sliding Scale as a starting point in this journey toward a more just and equitable structure. We believe a part of equity is for people experiencing more privilege to voluntarily commit to sharing their abundance with others. In that spirit, the following is our recommendation based on the infographic below. Please plan to contribute at the amount that is right for you and your family. 

Full Bottle: $500+ (100% of the harvest cost)

Half Full Bottle: 250+ (50% of the harvest cost)

Not Half Full Bottle: $35+ (7% of the harvest cost)

things to note

In a normal year, we receive more inquiries than we can sustainably serve, so we have to make difficult decisions about which trees we can harvest each year. We prioritize trees that we are able to safely harvest and those that have the highest quality fruit for sharing with our partners.

If we are unable to harvest your tree this season, but you would still like to share your fruit, please consider harvesting it on your own and bring it to the Fruit Fridge! Here’s how it works!