We are ready to get this (harvest) party started!
Join the Portland Fruit Tree Project crew at our Harvest Season Opening Party, hosted at our very own Leaven Community Center. We'll have pizza and drinks, you are welcome to bring a side or dessert if that sparks joy. This time of year is really exciting for us because there is so much potential! We'd love to share the enthusiasm with you, as well as some of the ideas we have for reaching EVEN more fruit, preventing EVEN more waste, and having tons of fun doing it - that includes some more ways for you to join in the fun if you're feeling inspired!
Maybe we'll even have a guest or two from our partner agencies, so you can really see some of the impact we have together...Harvesting is only possible with our community - YOU - whether you're a current volunteer, aspiring volunteer, donor, or even just follow us on Instagram and react/share sometimes. We hope you'll join us!
The most embarrassing thing in the world is not having enough food at a party, so please sign up if you are coming!